Monday, October 6, 2008

Little Helpers

My kids can be quite the helpers when they want to be. Waylon had been out picking corn for supper one afternoon. While he was out picking corn he decided to pick more so that we could freeze some. I was working on shucking the corn for supper and freezing it. Gunnar and Gretchen were watching closely to see how it was done. Pretty soon they were shucking corn themselves. They did a good job considering they are 2yrs and 16mnths old(at the time of the pics) Gage was sleeping while we were working on this.
Gunnar does a good job shucking corn. It sure didn't seem to take him to long to figure out how to do the job. He defiantly knew what he was doing.

Gretch sure tried her best at the shucking. It took her a little longer but she did a good job herself. Of course when she would get one done she take a bite out of the cob. So needless to say we had cobs with bites taken out of them. Oh, well they tasted good even if there was a bite or two missing.

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