Monday, October 13, 2008

Happy Birthday Gunnar

Hello to all. Yesterday Gunnar turned 3 years old. The day wasn't the nicest out as we woke up to snow/rain and cold but we did have a nice and quite birthday party for him. He had his grandparents, great grand parents and a couple of Aunts and Uncles there. Well I did my usual outrages birthday cakes again this year. I made Gunnar a football helmet cake. It actually turned out pretty cute and Gunnar loved it. Grandma Judy even got in on decorating the cake. She made the face mask for me.

He got good presents this year. He got clothes which he was in need of but he also got some pretty neat toys too. From the Deaver Grandparents he got these bit boxing gloves Whoppair, The kids love to hit and they have a pretty good punch with them.

From the Hoffarth's he got a nerf bow dart gun. He and Gage absolutly enjoy it. We shot it down the hallway as it packs quite a punch.

I just want to thank everybody for the presents as he is enjoying them, even the clothes.

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