Monday, October 6, 2008


Go Bombers!!!

It was a balmy 56 degrees out and the kids and I head out in the chilly evening air to watch the Berthold Bombers take on the Surrey Mustangs. Now you know we are football nuts when I dig out the winter coats to take the kids to watch a game. The battle of the brother in-laws was on, Waylon with the Bombers and Brad with the Mustangs. Berthold was the first to score with a 45 yard TD along with the 2 point convertion. Berthold went on to score 4 more TD before Surrey got their 65 yard TD on a kick return. The final score ended up being 44-6 Bombers. I tried to get a few more pics but I must have shivering as they all ended up blurry so I didn't keep them. I parked behind the end zone so I sat in the Suburban the second half of the game as the kids were cold. Then by the time I got out of the Suburn I missed Waylon and Brad's hand shake at the end of the game.

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